What is CSBG?
The Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) program provides emergency assistance to low-income families and individuals that fall into the following poverty income guidelines.
Food Assistance
Rent / Mortgage Assistance
Information and Referrals
For additional information?
Call 1-800-748-1919 (Ext 172, 173, 140), visit your local office or email clucero@epcaa.org
Matt 25 Building
By Appointment Only
1200 Thornton Street, Suite D
Clovis, NM 88101
Phone: 575-769-1094
Fax: 575-742-1667
1034 Community Way, Room 1
Portales, NM 88130
Phone : 575-356-6038
210 West Center Street
Tucumcari, NM 88401
Phone : 575-461-1914 (Ext. 172,173,140)
Fax: 575-461-1930